Adams & Chebalo M&A works with many private equity groups involved in various types of transactions. Often times an owner may wish to have a partial exit for either personal liquidity needs regarding personal financial planning or future growth needs. In such situations a very effective solution is a transaction with a PE group. Not every PE buyer is the same. Many will have specific financial requirements, industry specialties, geographic preferences, and operational preferences. Our goal is to find a suitable partner for you and your company.
A PE transaction can provide…
- A well funded partner with industry expertise to achieve the next level of growth and value
- A liquidity event for owners to “de-risk” their personal net worth
- If a portion of ownership is retained, a second future sale unlocking even more value for the owners
Adams & Chebalo has pre-arranged fee agreements with over 25 reputable private equity funds to assist their deal sourcing needs. These investors trust Adams & Chebalo to provide quality investment opportunities with unique characteristics in target industries. Thus–in contrast to other M&A advisors that research buyers only after receiving an owner mandate–we are purposeful in our methods, contacting business owners only after having received a mandate from an investor. Owners in particular like to use our services to test the market without exposing their company to time-consuming and unprofitable introductions as well as industry rumors and confidentiality breaches.
Please contact us to find out if your company is a candidate for a PE transaction.